
How To Register Your Blog With Google

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Once you've started blogging – the first thing you're going to find out is how to get your blog on Google right? Yep, you definitely want to consider the idea of getting it indexed or listed on the Google search engine because, without this traffic, there really isn't much point in having as a site unless you want to pay for the traffic?.

In some cases, it might take several weeks before Google decides to index your blog. In fact, some people are having a really hard time getting their new blog indexed by Google.

I've actually done a lot of research over the past couple of months on how to get your blog on Google and I've finally found out that you can actually do it in less than 24 hours.

How to submit a blog to Google search engine

Submitting a blog to Google is EASY. Just follow these 6 steps to help make your blog visible in Google search:

1. First, add your blog to Google Webmaster Tools

Google Search Console (GSC) is a place where you can gather some information about your blog or site. Google will crawl your blog and tell if you have any problems (poor code, bad host, spammy links, etc…)

It's a great place to start off and I can't recognize any reason why you shouldn't add your blog to the Google Search Console. Feel free to visit Webmaster Tools once a month to make sure that Google still "loves" your blog and everything is working properly. I'm doing this, and you should, too.

After adding your site make sure you'll use the option called "Fetch as Google" – This will speed up how quickly you are noticed, and make sure that every page of your blog will get indexed by Google. What I mean by "indexed" is that Google search engine users are able to find your blog through their search queries and keywords.

Hold up, you think it's that easy? Actually, there are a couple of other things you'd need to do.

2. Submit your blog social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest)

If you don't have profiles on those social media sites, I highly suggest you create them. It only takes a couple of minutes, but it creates some sort of brand awareness for your blog.

Once you've activated your accounts, submit or publish your blog homepage link on them. It has been said that Google uses Facebook and Twitter to crawl and index new pages, so it's worth a shot.

3. Use free "ping" services

I'm not 100% sure if that works or not, but I've been doing this nevertheless. People on webmaster forums are recommending it, so I suggest you do the same

  • PingoMatic
  • Pingler

Just submit your blog address ( and feed address, which is usually tick all the services and hit the "Ping" button. It should take somewhere around 1 minute, so it won't be very long.


P.S. By now you've already done more than you actually need to, to add a blog to Google, but let's take few extra steps to really guarantee that 24-hour indexing, OK?

4. Add your blog to Bing Webmaster Tools

Bing Webmaster Tools – This is similar to GSC, but made by Yahoo and Bing search engines. So, instead of using only GSC, I recommend you to add your blog to Bing as well. The functions of Bing tools are the same as GSC.

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5. Create a sitemap and robots.txt

Don't get too confused by the headline because you don't have to create anything by yourself. Well, back in the 2000's you most likely had to do it all by yourself and manually, but now it's much easier than before.

Simply download this WordPress plugin and your good to go. In short, properly working sitemap and a robots.txt file will make crawling your blog much easier for Google. A sitemap is a place where all the URLs of your pages and posts are stored. You can read more about robots.txt here.

6. Add a YouTube video

Since Google bought YouTube 10 years ago, they've been integrating its services within the rest of the company. One such way is that they are able to tell which websites have YouTube videos on them and thus crawl them faster. Adding Video schema and creating a video sitemap will help too. So if you add a YouTube video and you get a bonus from increased user engagement which helps your rankings.

How to find your blog on Google search

Once you have completed the previous steps you'll just have to wait a bit. In meanwhile, make sure you tell your friends/colleagues/family members about your new blog. After a day or two, make sure you use the following search string to see if your blog is finally indexed by Google:



If your site pops out on Google search, you can breathe again because your blog is indexed by Google search engine. You can use the same search string in Bing and Yahoo as well, but keep in mind that those search engines are a bit slower than Google. So instead of waiting 24 hours – wait for a week or so.

However, if you don't see your blog on Google right away, don't get panicked because your site will get listed sooner or later.

How to promote a blog on Google search

Once your site is indexed you'll want to get your rankings improved, there are several ways to help achieve this:

1. Write for search engines

You must educate yourself on SEO to some extent if you are to have a chance of getting traffic, you can take a look at our post on how to write website content to learn the basics of this. If you want a shortcut, try using Page Optimizer Pro.

2. Write for humans too!

Again, the link above will help you to understand this, but if people are leaving your page because it is gibberish then this will affect your rankings.

3. Make sure your page is appealing

This is closely related to the above point as we are trying to make the web page presentable. This would include things like having a decent design, and not writing "wall of text" style articles. Break it up with features and images.

4. Set up social media accounts

We covered this briefly already, but it bears repeating here. Which social media platforms are being utilized to good effect in your niche? Most websites should utilize some of the following:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn

A good surrounding of social profiles gives your website more chance of drawing in traffic from these sources of course, but you also look more legitimate in the eyes of Google.

5. Promote your blog on Google My Business

If you are a local business, make sure you are taking advantage of the Google My Business platform. If you want to do well in Google search, there's no better way than to utilize Google's own tools to do so.

6. Create data-rich articles/images

Links are a great way to push your site up the Google search rankings, and one of the easiest ways to get these links is to add facts and figures that are interesting to others in your niche. This works even better if you are using infographics and/or images that show these figures in an interesting way.

How To Register Your Blog With Google


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