
How Connet Surveillance Camera Hard Drive To Pc

How to manage cameras via DVR-IP, NetSurveillance, Sofia protocol (NETsurveillance ActiveX plugin XMeye SDK)

DVR-IP, NetSurveillance, Sofia

The NETSurveillance ActiveX plugin uses a TCP based protocol called just as the "Digital Video Recorder Interface Protocol" by the "Hangzhou male Mai Information Co".

There is very little software or documentation that supports it other than the tools provided by the manufacturers of these cameras, making many of the configuration options unavailable.

Control and response codes can be found hither:

Connections to this protocol are performed on ports TCP 34567 and UDP 34568.

An instance of a program using this protocol is CMS. Run into too the article "Photographic camera control software (watching video, downloading video to PC, task schedule)".


python-dvr is a Python library for configuring a wide range of IP cameras which use the NETsurveillance ActiveX plugin XMeye SDK. is a standalone Tkinter and console interface program, just similar the original DeviceManager.exe, it can run on both systems - if no TK is available - it runs with a console interface.

DeviceManager program (from python-dvr) can work with the following groups of surveillance cameras:

  • XM
  • Dahua
  • Fros
  • Wans
  • Beward

Most likely, this is not the manufacturer, merely the type of camera detection system used on the LAN. That is, if your camera has a different manufacturer, DeviceManager can still observe them.

To install and run DeviceManager, run the commands:

git clone cd python-dvr ./

A graphical interface volition open, there it is enough to click the Поиск ("Search") button.

How to connect to DVR-IP, NetSurveillance, Sofia in command line

To connect on the control line, you lot tin can use an interactive Python session or create a small-scale script.

In the python-dvr binder, create a file. The post-obit code is used to connect:

Replace with the IP of your camera, and the PASSWORD with the real password from it.

from dvrip import DVRIPCam from time import sleep  host_ip = ''  cam = DVRIPCam(host_ip, user='admin', password='PASSWORD') if cam.login(): 	print("Success! Connected to " + host_ip) else: 	print("Failure. Could not connect.")

For example, this code will show the time on the camera:

from dvrip import DVRIPCam from time import sleep  host_ip = ''  cam = DVRIPCam(host_ip, user='admin', password='Countersign') if cam.login(): 	print("Success! Connected to " + host_ip) else: 	impress("Failure. Could not connect.")  print("Photographic camera fourth dimension:", cam.get_time())

Run similar this:


Information technology is clear that the lines of code for connection will exist repeated in each script, so we will not indistinguishable them - just remember that they must exist earlier the function that you accept called:

Basic employ

Reboot the camera:


Waiting for the camera to start:


Login again


Synchronize camera fourth dimension with PC time:




Display special OSD text

info = cam.get_info("fVideo.OSDInfo") info["OSDInfo"][0]["Info"] = ["Examination:","Temp: 26 C","Hum: 21 %"] # iii lines text info["OSDInfo"][0]["OSDInfoWidget"]["EncodeBlend"] = True info["OSDInfo"][0]["OSDInfoWidget"]["PreviewBlend"] = True info["OSDInfo"][0]["OSDInfoWidget"]["BackColor"]= '0x80000000' info["OSDInfo"][0]["OSDInfoWidget"]["FrontColor"]= '0xF0FFFF00' info["OSDInfo"][0]["OSDInfoWidget"]["RelativePos"] = [6144,6144,8192,8192] # OSD block position cam.set_info("fVideo.OSDInfo", info)

Camera settings

The lawmaking

params = cam.get_general_info()

returns full general information nigh the camera (time zones, formats, auto reboot policy, security settings):

{     "AppBindFlag": {         "BeBinded": false     },     "AutoMaintain": {         "AutoDeleteFilesDays": 0,         "AutoRebootDay": "Tuesday",         "AutoRebootHour": three     },     "DSTState": {         "InNormalState": true     },     "General": {         "AutoLogout": 0,         "FontSize": 24,         "IranCalendarEnable": 0,         "LocalNo": 0,         "MachineName": "LocalHost",         "OverWrite": "OverWrite",         "ScreenAutoShutdown": 10,         "ScreenSaveTime": 0,         "VideoOutPut": "Auto"     },     "Location": {         "DSTEnd": {             "Twenty-four hours": 1,             "Hr": i,             "Minute": i,             "Calendar month": 10,             "Calendar week": 0,             "Twelvemonth": 2021         },         "DSTRule": "Off",         "DSTStart": {             "Solar day": 1,             "Hour": 1,             "Minute": 1,             "Month": 5,             "Week": 0,             "Year": 2021         },         "DateFormat": "YYMMDD",         "DateSeparator": "-",         "IranCalendar": 0,         "Language": "Russian",         "TimeFormat": "24",         "VideoFormat": "PAL",         "Week": nada,         "WorkDay": 62     },     "OneKeyMaskVideo": null,     "PwdSafety": {         "PwdReset": [             {                 "QuestionAnswer": "",                 "QuestionIndex": 0             },             {                 "QuestionAnswer": "",                 "QuestionIndex": 0             },             {                 "QuestionAnswer": "",                 "QuestionIndex": 0             },             {                 "QuestionAnswer": "",                 "QuestionIndex": 0             }         ],         "SecurityEmail": "",         "TipPageHide": false     },     "ResumePtzState": null,     "TimingSleep": null }

And this code:

params = cam.get_system_info()

returns hardware settings, camera serial number, electric current software version and firmware type:

{     "AlarmInChannel": ii,     "AlarmOutChannel": ane,     "AudioInChannel": i,     "BuildTime": "2020-01-08 11:05:18",     "CombineSwitch": 0,     "DeviceModel": "HI3516EV300_85H50AI",     "DeviceRunTime": "0x0001f532",     "DigChannel": 0,     "EncryptVersion": "Unknown",     "ExtraChannel": 0,     "HardWare": "HI3516EV300_85H50AI",     "HardWareVersion": "Unknown",     "SerialNo": "a166379674a3b447",     "SoftWareVersion": "V5.00.R02.000529B2.10010.040600.0020000",     "TalkInChannel": i,     "TalkOutChannel": 1,     "UpdataTime": "",     "UpdataType": "0x00000000",     "VideoInChannel": 1,     "VideoOutChannel": ane }

This role:

params = cam.get_system_capabilities()

returns camera software capabilities (alarms and detections, advice protocols and hardware features):

{     "AlarmFunction": {         "AlarmConfig": true,         "BlindDetect": truthful,         "HumanDection": true,         "HumanPedDetection": true,         "LossDetect": truthful,         "MotionDetect": truthful,         "NetAbort": true,         "NetAlarm": true,         "NetIpConflict": truthful,         "NewVideoAnalyze": fake,         "PEAInHumanPed": truthful,         "StorageFailure": true,         "StorageLowSpace": truthful,         "StorageNotExist": truthful,         "VideoAnalyze": false     },     "CommFunction": {         "CommRS232": true,         "CommRS485": true     },     "EncodeFunction": {         "DoubleStream": true,         "SmartH264": true,         "SmartH264V2": imitation,         "SnapStream": true     },     "NetServerFunction": {         "IPAdaptive": true,         "Net3G": faux,         "Net4GSignalLevel": false,         "NetAlarmCenter": truthful,         "NetDAS": simulated,         "NetDDNS": false,         "NetDHCP": true,         "NetDNS": true,         "NetEmail": true,         "NetFTP": truthful,         "NetIPFilter": true,         "NetMutlicast": false,         "NetNTP": true,         "NetNat": true,         "NetPMS": true,         "NetPMSV2": true,         "NetPPPoE": false,         "NetRTSP": true,         "NetSPVMN": faux,         "NetUPNP": true,         "NetWifi": simulated,         "OnvifPwdCheckout": true,         "RTMP": simulated,         "WifiModeSwitch": false,         "WifiRouteSignalLevel": true     },     "OtherFunction": {         "NOHDDRECORD": faux,         "NoSupportSafetyQuestion": false,         "NotSupportAutoAndIntelligent": false,         "SupportAdminContactInfo": true,         "SupportAlarmRemoteCall": false,         "SupportAlarmVoiceTipInterval": true,         "SupportAlarmVoiceTips": true,         "SupportAlarmVoiceTipsType": true,         "SupportAppBindFlag": true,         "SupportBT": truthful,         "SupportBallTelescopic": false,         "SupportBoxCameraBulb": false,         "SupportCamareStyle": true,         "SupportCameraWhiteLight": false,         "SupportCfgCloudupgrade": truthful,         "SupportChangeLanguageNoReboot": true,         "SupportCloseVoiceTip": false,         "SupportCloudUpgrade": true,         "SupportCommDataUpload": true,         "SupportCorridorMode": false,         "SupportCustomizeLpRect": fake,         "SupportDNChangeByImage": false,         "SupportDimenCode": true,         "SupportDoubleLightBoxCamera": simulated,         "SupportDoubleLightBulb": false,         "SupportElectronicPTZ": false,         "SupportFTPTest": true,         "SupportFaceDetectV2": simulated,         "SupportFaceRecognition": false,         "SupportMailTest": true,         "SupportMusicBulb433Pair": false,         "SupportMusicLightBulb": false,         "SupportNetWorkMode": simulated,         "SupportOSDInfo": imitation,         "SupportOneKeyMaskVideo": false,         "SupportPCSetDoubleLight": true,         "SupportPTZDirectionControl": imitation,         "SupportPTZTour": false,         "SupportPWDSafety": truthful,         "SupportParkingGuide": false,         "SupportPtz360Spin": false,         "SupportRPSVideo": false,         "SupportSetBrightness": fake,         "SupportSetDetectTrackWatchPoint": false,         "SupportSetHardwareAbility": false,         "SupportSetPTZPresetAttribute": false,         "SupportSetVolume": truthful,         "SupportShowH265X": truthful,         "SupportSnapCfg": false,         "SupportSnapV2Stream": true,         "SupportSnapshotConfigV2": simulated,         "SupportSoftPhotosensitive": true,         "SupportStatusLed": imitation,         "SupportTextPassword": true,         "SupportTimeZone": truthful,         "SupportTimingSleep": fake,         "SupportWebRTCModule": faux,         "SupportWriteLog": true,         "SuppportChangeOnvifPort": true     },     "PreviewFunction": {         "Talk": truthful,         "Tour": fake     },     "TipShow": {         "NoBeepTipShow": truthful     } }

Camera video settings/modes

params = cam.get_info("Camera")

Will render approximately the following data:

{'ClearFog': [{'enable': 0, 'level': 50}], 'DistortionCorrect': {'Lenstype': 0, 'Version': 0}, 'FishLensParam': [{'CenterOffsetX': 300, 'CenterOffsetY': 300, 'ImageHeight': 720, 'ImageWidth': 1280, 'LensType': 0, 'PCMac': '000000000000', 'Radius': 300, 'Version': 1, 'ViewAngle': 0, 'ViewMode': 0, 'Zoom': 100}], 'FishViCut': [{'ImgHeight': 0, 'ImgWidth': 0, 'Xoffset': 0, 'Yoffset': 0}], 'Param': [{'AeSensitivity': 5, 'ApertureMode': '0x00000000', 'BLCMode': '0x00000000', 'DayNightColor': '0x00000000', 'Day_nfLevel': 3, 'DncThr': 30, 'ElecLevel': 50, 'EsShutter': '0x00000002', 'ExposureParam': {'LeastTime': '0x00000100', 'Level': 0, 'MostTime': '0x00010000'}, 'GainParam': {'AutoGain': 1, 'Gain': 50}, 'IRCUTMode': 0, 'IrcutSwap': 0, 'Night_nfLevel': 3, 'PictureFlip': '0x00000000', 'PictureMirror': '0x00000000', 'RejectFlicker': '0x00000000', 'WhiteBalance': '0x00000000'}], 'ParamEx': [{'AutomaticAdjustment': 3, 'BroadTrends': {'AutoGain': 0, 'Gain': fifty}, 'CorridorMode': 0, 'ExposureTime': '0x100', 'LightRestrainLevel': 16, 'LowLuxMode': 0, 'PreventOverExpo': 0, 'SoftPhotosensitivecontrol': 0, 'Style': 'type1'}], 'WhiteLight': {'MoveTrigLight': {'Duration': threescore, 'Level': iii}, 'WorkMode': 'Auto', 'WorkPeriod': {'EHour': 6, 'EMinute': 0, 'Enable': 1, 'SHour': 18, 'SMinute': 0}}}

To get the current encoding settings

enc_info = cam.get_info("Simplify.Encode")

The last command will return approximately the following data:

[{'ExtraFormat': {'AudioEnable': False, 'Video': {'BitRate': 552, 'BitRateControl': 'VBR', 'Compression': 'H.265', 'FPS': twenty, 'GOP': ii, 'Quality': 3, 'Resolution': 'D1'}, 'VideoEnable': Truthful}, 'MainFormat': {'AudioEnable': False, 'Video': {'BitRate': 2662, 'BitRateControl': 'VBR', 'Compression': 'H.265', 'FPS': 25, 'GOP': 2, 'Quality': 4, 'Resolution': '1080P'}, 'VideoEnable': Truthful}}]

Bitrate change

NewBitrate = 7000 enc_info[0]['MainFormat']['Video']['BitRate'] = NewBitrate cam.set_info("Simplify.Encode", enc_info)

Getting color parameters of a video aqueduct

colors = cam.get_info("AVEnc.VideoColor.[0]")

The terminal command volition return approximately the post-obit data:

[{'Enable': True, 'TimeSection': '0 00:00:00-24:00:00', 'VideoColorParam': {'Acutance': 3848, 'Brightness': 50, 'Contrast': 50, 'Gain': 0, 'Hue': 50, 'Saturation': 50, 'Whitebalance': 128}}, {'Enable': Faux, 'TimeSection': '0 00:00:00-24:00:00', 'VideoColorParam': {'Acutance': 3848, 'Effulgence': fifty, 'Contrast': fifty, 'Gain': 0, 'Hue': 50, 'Saturation': l, 'Whitebalance': 128}}]

Change IR cut

cam.set_info("Camera.Param.[0]", { "IrcutSwap" : 0 })

Change WDR settings

WDR_mode = True cam.set_info("Camera.ParamEx.[0]", { "BroadTrends" : { "AutoGain" : int(WDR_mode) } })

Getting network settings

cyberspace = cam.get_info("NetWork.NetCommon")

Enabling Adaptive IP Manner

cam.set_info("NetWork.IPAdaptive", { "IPAdaptive": Truthful })

Gear up camera hostname

cam.set_info("NetWork.NetCommon.HostName", "IVG-85HG50PYA-S")

Selecting DHCP mode (enabled in this example)

dhcpst = cam.get_info("NetWork.NetDHCP") dhcpst[0]['Enable'] = Truthful cam.set_info("NetWork.NetDHCP", dhcpst)

Add together User and Change Password

User "test2" with countersign "123123"


Password change


Delete user "test2"

if cam.delUser("test2"):     impress("User deleted") else:     print("Tin can not delete information technology")

System user cannot be deleted

if cam.delUser("admin"):     impress("You do it! How?") else:     print("It system reserved user")

Taking a JPEG snapshot

with open("snap.jpg", "wb") as f:     f.write(cam.snapshot())

Receiving audio/video stream

Only the video is recorded to the file (using a elementary lambda):

with open("datastream.h265", "wb") equally f:     cam.start_monitor(lambda frame, meta, user: f.write(frame))

Data stream recording with additional filtering (capturing the first 100 frames):

form State:     def __init__(self):         self.counter = 0      def count(cocky):         render self.counter      def inc(cocky):         self.counter += 1  with open up("datastream.h265", "wb") every bit f:     state = State()     def receiver(frame, meta, state):         if 'frame' in meta:             f.write(frame)                print(country.count())             if country.count() == 100:                 cam.stop_monitor()      cam.start_monitor(receiver, state)

Camera Title Setting

An piece of cake way to change the title of a picture:


Employ Unicode font from host to generate bitmap for header from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

w_disp   = 128 h_disp   =  64 fontsize =  32 text     =  "Туалет"  imageRGB ='RGB', (w_disp, h_disp)) draw  = ImageDraw.Describe(imageRGB) font  = ImageFont.truetype("/Library/Fonts/Arial Unicode.ttf", fontsize) due west, h  = describe.textsize(text, font=font) draw.text(((w_disp - w)/2, (h_disp - h)/2), text, font=font) image1bit = imageRGB.convert("ane") information = image1bit.tobytes() cam.channel_bitmap(w_disp, h_disp, data)

Utilize your own logo in the picture

img ='vixand.png') width, height = img.size data = img.catechumen("1").tobytes() cam.channel_bitmap(width, height, information)

Show current temperature, speed, GPS coordinates, etc.

Utilize the same method to draw text to a bitmap and send it to the camera, but consider placing the internal bitmap storage in RAM:

mount -t tmpfs -o size=100k tmpfs /mnt/mtd/tmpfs ln -sf /mnt/mtd/tmpfs/ /mnt/mtd/Config/Dot/

Photographic camera firmware update

Optional: get information well-nigh update options


Performing an update



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