
How To Unlock Doomsday Lost Ark

Episode of Doctor Who

2006 Medico Who episode

177b – "Doomsday"
Doctor Who episode
Doomsday (Doctor Who).jpg

A 3-way battle between Humanity, Cybermen and Daleks.



  • David Tennant – 10th Doctor


  • Billie Piper – Rose Tyler


  • Camille Coduri – Jackie Tyler
  • Noel Clarke – Mickey Smith
  • Shaun Dingwall – Pete Tyler
  • Andrew Hayden-Smith – Jake Simmonds
  • Tracy-Ann Oberman – Yvonne Hartman
  • Raji James – Dr. Rajesh Singh
  • Paul Kasey – Cyber Leader
  • Nicholas Briggs – Dalek and Cyberman voices
  • Catherine Tate – The Bride
Directed by Graeme Harper
Written by Russell T Davies
Script editor Helen Raynor
Produced by Phil Collinson
Executive producer(s) Russell T Davies
Julie Gardner
Music past Murray Gold
Series Serial ii
Running time 2nd of 2-part story, 45 minutes
Kickoff broadcast 8 July 2006 (2006-07-08)
Preceded by
"Regular army of Ghosts"
Followed past →
"The Runaway Bride"
List of Doctor Who episodes (2005–nowadays)

"Doomsday" is the thirteenth and final episode in the 2nd series of the revival of the British science fiction tv programme Md Who. It was first broadcast on eight July 2006 and is the determination of a two-role story; the showtime function, "Army of Ghosts", was broadcast on 1 July 2006. The 2-part story features the Daleks, presumed extinct after the events of the 2005 serial' finale, and the Cybermen, who appeared in a parallel universe in the 2006 episodes "Rise of the Cybermen" and "The Historic period of Steel". Both species unexpectedly arrive on Earth at the decision of "Regular army of Ghosts".

The concept of the Daleks and the Cybermen both actualization on-screen was first proposed in 1967, merely was vetoed past Terry Nation, the creator of the Daleks. The episode is the first conflict between the two species in Doctor Who 's 59-year history, and features Billie Piper's last appearance in the lead companion function as Rose Tyler; the final regular appearance of Noel Clarke equally Rose's ex-boyfriend and previous companion Mickey Smith; and the terminal regular appearances of Camille Coduri and Shaun Dingwall as Rose's parents, Jackie and Pete Tyler. The episode and its predecessor were filmed between November 2005 and January 2006, aslope the episodes "Rise of the Cybermen" and "The Historic period of Steel".

Set up mainly in the 1 Canada Foursquare skyscraper in Canary Wharf, the episode's plot consists mostly of the Daleks and Cybermen waging a global war, with humanity on the verge of extinction in the calamity. The 10th Physician (David Tennant), the Tyler family, and Mickey Smith fight for their lives trying to opposite the situation. They are successful, but at an emotional price to the Doc and Rose, every bit they are left in divide universes.

The episode is one of the most pop Doc Who episodes since the evidence's revival. It was nominated, along with "Army of Ghosts", for the 2007 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Curt Form; the honour was won by the fourth episode in the series, "The Girl in the Fireplace". It shared the revived series' highest Audience Appreciation rating of 89 with "The Parting of the Ways", "Silence in the Library", and "Forest of the Dead" until 28 June 2008—"The Stolen Globe" gained an AI rating of 91[1]—and is favoured by well-nigh critics for both the Dalek–Cyberman disharmonize and the good day scene between the Doctor and Rose.

Plot [edit]

In the Torchwood Institute'due south sphere chamber in 1 Canada Square,[N 1] four Daleks known as the Cult of Skaro have emerged from the Void ship, forth with the Genesis Ark, a prison transport built by the Time Lords to imprison the Daleks. The Cybermen who took control of Torchwood confront Dalek Thay, offering an alliance. Information technology declines, killing two Cybermen. The Cyber Leader declares war on the Daleks.

A strike team takes the Tenth Doctor to the parallel Earth[N ii] to come across with Pete Tyler. The Doctor theorises that millions of Cybermen coming through from the parallel World to the World in the Md'due south universe is first the process that will pb to both planets falling into the Void. The Md explains that Pete is dead in his universe,[Northward three] only Pete's wife Jackie is live.

In the sphere sleeping room, the Physician allows the Cybermen to enter and attack the Daleks. Mickey accidentally activates the Ark while escaping with the Doctor, Pete and Rose. Dalek Sec takes the Ark outside. Pete saves Jackie from the Cybermen and the two encompass. The Medico then takes everyone to the control room. Outside, the Ark opens. Millions of Daleks pour out and begin killing humans and Cybermen on the ground.

The Doctor explains that if he opens the breach and reverses it, anyone who has travelled between the two separate worlds will be pulled in, including Rose, Mickey and Pete. The Doctor sends them along with Jackie to the parallel Earth. Rose jumps dorsum to aid the Doctor. The Doctor and Rose open the alienation and hang on to magnetic clamps as the Cybermen and Daleks are pulled into the Void, simply Dalek Sec escapes using a temporal shift.[North 4] Rose loses her grip and starts to fall towards the Void, but at the terminal 2nd, Pete transports Rose dorsum to the parallel Earth as the breach is closed.

Some fourth dimension later on, Rose has a dream where she hears the Doctor's voice calling her. Rose, her parents, and Mickey follow the voice to a remote bay in Norway where the Doctor sends a holographic message through ane terminal small breach between universes. Rose breaks down in tears and tells the Doctor that she loves him; earlier the Doctor tin can finish his reply, the alienation seals completely and the Doctor's prototype disappears. In the TARDIS, a mysterious woman in a wedding ceremony dress appears in front of the Doctor.[Northward 5]

Production [edit]

Conception [edit]

Doomsday featured the departure of Rose Tyler portrayed by Billie Piper (pictured) who made the decision to leave the role a year prior.

The concept of the Daleks and Cybermen appearing together on screen is not new; in December 1967, the BBC approached Terry Nation to have both races in a serial, merely Nation vetoed this idea. The concept came to Davies while mapping out the 2006 series: the story would both serve to resurrect the popular Daleks and provide a suitable leave for Piper, who had decided to leave Doc Who later on two series.[2] "Doomsday" is the starting time episode in the history of Doc Who where the Cybermen and the Daleks announced on-screen together; Cybermen and Daleks were both featured in The Five Doctors and "Army of Ghosts", just in split up scenes.[3] [iv]

The ii-part finale was originally going to take place in Cardiff on the fourth dimension rift, which was the focus of the episodes "The Unquiet Dead" and "Boom Town". When Torchwood was deputed in 2005, Davies decided to base the spin-off in Cardiff and relocate "Ground forces of Ghosts" and "Doomsday" to Canary Wharf in London.[2]

An item of give-and-take between the production staff was over who would rescue Rose; Davies and Julie Gardner wanted Pete to rescue her, while Clarke and Phil Collinson wanted Mickey. The role was ultimately given to Pete, to emphasise that he had accepted Rose every bit a surrogate daughter.[2] The Physician's intended answer to Rose was besides discussed; Davies, who left the reply unspecified, stated he didn't know when asked by Collinson on the episode's commentary rail, and Gardner vehemently believed the Md would reciprocate Rose's love.[5]

Some elements of the story were inspired by Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. Pullman was "flattered" by the references in the episode, and compared Davies' actions to his own exercise of referencing works.[6]

Filming [edit]

Southerndown beach in Wales was used as the backdrop to the Dr.'s farewell to Rose Tyler.

To ensure that Clarke and Dingwall were available for filming, the story was filmed in the flavor's third production cake with "Rise of the Cybermen" and "The Age of Steel". Filming for the story started on 2 Nov 2005 on location in Kennington, London, only did not become the main focus of the production crew until 29 November, when filming began on the scenes in and around the sphere sleeping room. The scenes of the Tyler family residence in Pete'due south Globe were filmed at Coedarhydyglyn on 21 November, and the subsequent scene of the Tylers driving through Kingdom of norway was filmed at Bridgend on half dozen December. Scenes in the lever room, the main setting for the story, were filmed on 12–xv December 2005 and three–5 January 2006. Greenscreen work for Rose being sucked into the void took place on 13 January, and the skirmish betwixt the armed services and Cybermen on the span was filmed on xv January.[2]

Other location shooting took identify at the Coal Exchange and Mountain Stuart Square, Cardiff Bay.[vii] The penultimate scene of the episode, the Doctor's cheerio to Rose, was filmed on 16 Jan 2006 at Southerndown beach in the Vale of Glamorgan, which was the last solar day of filming for Clarke and Dingwall.[8] Piper's last scene was Rose's reunion with the Doctor in "The Satan Pit" on 31 March,[9] but the shoot was rather emotional,[v] to the bespeak there were several tears on set.[10] The concluding scene of "Doomsday", Catherine Tate'south appearance in the TARDIS equally Donna Noble (credited as "The Bride"), was filmed on 31 March during the wrap party. To ensure the secrecy of Rose'south departure and Tate's appearance, only Piper and Tennant were given scripts of the difference scene, and director Graeme Harper was non informed of the terminal scene until the terminal possible second.[ii]

Music [edit]

Every bit well as using existing music, such as the themes for the Daleks, Cybermen, and Rose, Murray Gold particularly composed a piece of music for Rose's bye entitled "Doomsday", which featured song piece of work from Melanie Pappenheim. Instead of using the swelling violins that Davies and the rest of the product team had expected, Gold took a minimalist approach. When pitching the track to the production team, Gold described the runway as representing Rose's unbridled energy and conclusion as she searches for the Md. He later said, "I wanted to get that kind of throbbing, sort of hurt sound of quite emotional rock, because I thought that's what Rose would practice if she was pain and ran up to her bedroom and locked herself in her room and had a good former weep, really."[xi] The piece uses the same song work from "Rose", when Rose first enters the TARDIS, thus creating a bookend issue.[xi] It is a favourite among fans and of executive producer Julie Gardner,[5] and is 1 of the reasons, along with Pappenheim's overall contribution and the "Vocal for Ten" from "The Christmas Invasion", that the soundtrack of both series was released several months later.[12] [13]

Broadcast, reception, and legacy [edit]

Circulate and pre-airing media blackout [edit]

The Dalek Sec prop, on display at a Doctor Who exhibition.

Preacher prop, on display at a Dr. Who exhibition.

To protect every bit much information concerning the episode as possible, the terminal scene of "Army of Ghosts" was withheld from all pre-screeners given to reviewers. The BBC website's Fright Forecasters, a panel who rate the episodes, were not immune to see "Doomsday" before its airing,[14] and access to copies was restricted; the website thus does non accept a Fear Forecast for the episode.[15] Despite this, the Dalek Sec prop, which had been previously unused in the series, had invaded the stage at the 2006 BAFTA Television receiver Awards while the product team were collecting an honor.[5] A similar moratorium would be placed on the following serial' finale, "Last of the Time Lords".[sixteen]

The episode'south finalised boilerplate viewing figure was 8.22 meg viewers and was, excepting World Cup games, the second most-watched television set programme of the calendar week, backside an episode of Coronation Street, and eighth most-watched overall. The companion episode of Doctor Who Confidential gained but over ane one thousand thousand viewers, making it the second almost watched programme on a non-terrestrial channel that week.[17] The ratings for the episode were higher than the following Globe Cup match between Germany and Portugal, which had a meg fewer viewers.[18]

Disquisitional reception and later release [edit]

"Doomsday" is ane of the nigh pop episodes of the revived Md Who. Information technology gained an audience Appreciation Alphabetize (AI) of 89, which was the highest figure for nigh two years—information technology was later surpassed past "The Stolen Earth", which had an AI of 91[1] [19]—and is the start episode of Doctor Who to receive a perfect ten rating on IGN,[20] who congratulated Davies on making an action-packed episode so emotional.[21] Television Without Compassion gave the episode an A+ rating.[22] The Stage commented that the Dalek-Cybermen conflict was the "just thing worth watching" at the weekend, overshadowing even the World Cup Final, and that the parting scene was "beautifully written and movingly played," with "not a dry center in the universe".[23] Dek Hogan of Digital Spy felt that the episode was "beautifully counterbalanced and with moments of high excitement and touching poignancy" and that the unmarried oil tear shed by the Cyberman version of Hartman was a "dainty touch". He criticised Catherine Tate'southward appearance equally being unnecessary to end the episode and for "breaking the mood".[24] Stephen Brook of The Guardian thought that the episode was "a highpoint of the modernistic series, highly emotional, scary and genuinely exciting", while Rose's departure was "brilliantly handled". He positively compared the episode's plot of a war between "the greatest monsters in the programme history" against the film Alien vs. Predator.[25]

After its initial airing, the episode was released on DVD, with "Fright Her" and "Ground forces of Ghosts", on 25 September 2006.[26] It was first aired on CBC Television on 19 February 2007.[27] The story ("Army of Ghosts" and "Doomsday") was i of three from the second series of Physician Who to exist nominated for the 2007 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Grade; the other stories nominated were "School Reunion" and "The Girl in the Fireplace",[28] the latter winning the honour.[29]

In a 2014 poll by SFX, 90,000 readers voted the farewell scene between the Doctor and Rose every bit the greatest sci-fi moment ever.[xxx]

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ Referred to in this episode every bit Torchwood Tower.
  2. ^ This parallel World appeared in the 2006 episodes "Rising of the Cybermen" and "The Age of Steel".
  3. ^ Equally depicted in the 2005 episode "Father'southward Day".
  4. ^ The 2007 episode "Daleks in Manhattan" reveals that all four of the Cult of Skaro survive the battle.
  5. ^ Credited equally "the Bride" and unidentified on screen, this character is named Donna Noble in the following episode "The Runaway Helpmate".

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b Hilton, Matt (30 June 2008). "The Stolen Earth – AI and Digital Ratings". Md Who News Page. Retrieved thirty June 2008.
  2. ^ a b c d eastward Pixley, Andrew (August 2006). "Army of Ghosts/Doomsday". Doc Who Magazine. Vol. The Doctor Who Companion: Series 2, no. Special Edition 14. Royal Tunbridge Wells: Panini Comics. pp. 92–101.
  3. ^ Terrance Dicks (author), Peter Moffatt, John Nathan-Turner (uncredited) (directors), John Nathan-Turner (producer) (23 November 1983). The Five Doctors. Doctor Who. BBC. BBC1.
  4. ^ Russell T Davies (author), Graeme Harper (director), Phil Collinson (producer) (1 July 2006). "Regular army of Ghosts". Doctor Who. Serial ii. Episode 12. BBC. BBC I.
  5. ^ a b c d Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner, Phil Collinson. Commentary for "Doomsday". BBC. Archived from the original (mp3) on 20 January 2007. Retrieved thirty October 2007.
  6. ^ "Would Pullman write for Dr Who?". Newsround. 7 December 2007. Retrieved 9 December 2007.
  7. ^ "Walesarts, Coal Exchange and Mount Stuart Foursquare, Cardiff Bay". BBC. Retrieved 30 May 2010.
  8. ^ "Walesarts, Southerndown beach, Vale of Glamorgan". BBC. Retrieved 30 May 2010.
  9. ^ Pixley, Andrew (August 2006). "The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit". Dr. Who Mag. Vol. The Physician Who Companion: Serial 2, no. Special Edition 14. Majestic Tunbridge Wells: Panini Comics. p. 77.
  10. ^ "Episode 13: Finale" (Embedded Flash object). Doctor Who Confidential. BBC. Retrieved 29 October 2007.
  11. ^ a b "Music and Monsters". Doctor Who Confidential. 25 December 2006. BBC. BBC One.
  12. ^ "Who soundtrack soon". BBC. 17 July 2006. Archived from the original on 17 March 2008. Retrieved half dozen July 2011.
  13. ^ "Soundtrack details". BBC. 6 November 2006. Archived from the original on 2 February 2009. Retrieved 6 July 2011.
  14. ^ "Fear Forecast: "Army of Ghosts"". BBC Doctor Who website. BBC. Retrieved 25 February 2007.
  15. ^ "Fear Forecast". BBC. Retrieved v July 2011.
  16. ^ "What did Lizo think of Doctor Who?". CBBC. 18 June 2007. Retrieved 21 June 2007.
  17. ^ Lyon, Shaun (20 July 2006). "Doomsday Final Ratings, and Series 2 Recap". Medico Who News Page. Archived from the original on 16 Feb 2009.
  18. ^ Hoskyn, Jane. "World Cup streaming fails to score". The Register; TV Scoop.
  19. ^ Hilton, Matt (2 April 2007). "Smith and Jones AI figure". Doctor Who News Folio. Retrieved 24 January 2008.
  20. ^ "Television reviews; Score: ten". IGN. 22 December 2006. Archived from the original on 13 July 2011. Retrieved 2 November 2007.
  21. ^ Haque, Ahsan (22 December 2006). "Doomsday review". IGN . Retrieved 2 November 2007.
  22. ^ Clifton, Jacob (31 Dec 2006). "Concord the Line With Me: Doomsday recap". Doc Who reviews. Television Without Pity. Archived from the original on 21 April 2008. Retrieved 2 November 2007.
  23. ^ Venning, Harry (17 July 2006). "TV review". The Stage. Archived from the original on 20 Feb 2012. Retrieved 22 December 2007.
  24. ^ Hogan, Dek (nine July 2006). "Horses for Courses". Dek's TV Diary. Digital Spy. Retrieved 22 Dec 2007.
  25. ^ Brook, Stephen (10 July 2006). "Doctor Who: that was the year that was". The Guardian . Retrieved 25 January 2008.
  26. ^ "Doctor Who: Series 2 Volume 5". BBC Store. BBC. Retrieved 7 Jan 2008.
  27. ^ "Vol 10, No 6". This Week in Medico Who. Doctor Who News Page; Internet Annal. Archived from the original on 9 Feb 2007. Retrieved 7 January 2008.
  28. ^ "Nippon 2007 Hugo Nominees". World Science Fiction Gild. Retrieved 29 March 2007.
  29. ^ "2007 Hugo Awards". Globe Science Fiction Society. 1 September 2007. Retrieved one September 2007.
  30. ^ "Doctor Who 'Doomsday' Scene With David Tennant, Billie Piper Voted SFX'southward Greatest Sci-Fi Scene E'er - Who Else Triumphed?". HuffPost. 25 June 2014. Retrieved 28 June 2014.

External links [edit]

  • TARDISODE thirteen
  • Episode trailer shown at the end of "Army of Ghosts"
  • Episode commentary by Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner and Phil Collinson (MP3)
  • "Doomsday" episode homepage
  • "Doomsday" at the BBC Doctor Who homepage
  • "Doomsday" at IMDb


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